How we make decisions

When a planning application is submitted we check it to confirm we have all necessary information before starting the planning process.

What we must consider

All planning applications are considered against the framework of planning policies to make sure we balance the needs of communities and the economy with the need for conservation and protection. Central Government guidelines mean planning authorities have freedom to make decisions in the best interests of their area.

The application's case officer may visit the site to understand the proposal in context. Issues the case officer considers include:

  • What the development would look like
  • The effect of the development on local character
  • The effect of the development on wildlife
  • The effect of the development on navigation
  • The effect of the development on neighbouring properties
  • Traffic associated with the development.

We consult third parties and organisations in line with our Code of Practice for Planning Consultations. The extent of this will vary depending on the proposal and nature of the development site. The case officer will review the proposal taking into account comments.

What we can't consider

The case officer cannot consider matters which are not about planning such as:

  • Issues covered by other regulations, licensing and building control
  • Private property rights like boundary disputes
  • The effect the development may have on individual property values
  • The reasons why the developer is making the application or their activities elsewhere
  • Moral issues
  • Competition between businesses
  • Loss of a private view.

They will make a decision, suggest changes or pass it on to the Planning Committee with a recommendation. Find out more about who makes the decision on your application.