Validation Checklist 2

Additional local requirements that may be needed to validate a planning application


As well as the requirements set out in Validation Checklist 1: National requirements for validating a planning application, there may be some other requirements that are specific to certain applications.

These are set out below, please click on each section to expand it for further details of requirements, and visit the Local Plan for the Broads page for more information.

Air Quality Assessment

There are national standards set for air quality, with Air Quality Objective levels for a range of pollutants. The Environmental Health Departments of the constituent Districts monitor air pollution levels within their areas and advise where a development proposal would be likely to generate levels of pollution which would cause the objectives' levels to be exceeded. There are few areas in the Broads which are likely to be affected, but details on the areas potentially affected can be obtained through the Broads Authority.

An Air Quality Assessment should be undertaken by a suitably experienced company and submitted in support of the planning application. This will need to assess the pollution generated by the development, in both construction and operational stages, and the impact of this on the Air Quality Objectives, which are human health-based objectives looking at the exposure of the closest receptor to the source of the pollution. Should the assessment demonstrate that because of the development that the objective levels would be exceeded, then measures for mitigation will need to be detailed for agreement.

It may be necessary for the applicant to agree to monitor the impact of the development both during construction and when in use and for a period of at least 12 months after completion.

Should the levels exceed the objective threshold, the District Council would need to declare an Air Quality Management Area. This would then require a further detailed assessment of the air quality using continuous monitoring equipment (taking readings every 10 minutes) for at least 12 months and the production of an Air Quality Action Plan.  This would need to be funded by the developer and would be the subject of a S106 Legal Agreement.


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Biodiversity and/or Geo-diversity requirements

The area of the Broads includes international, national and local designations for wildlife value and any proposed development must take account of this. In addition, change outside those designated areas can affect them as the eco-systems are interlinked.  All applications must also consider opportunities to restore, enhance or create features of biodiversity as these can add to the special qualities of the Broads. See NNPF paragraph 170d relating to biodiversity net gain.

Many species of plant and animal are given legal protection under both national; and European law; this may apply to the habitat and feeding or roosting grounds, as well as to the plants and animals themselves. In addition, several habitats and species are identified as priorities in the UK. The possibility of any such species and habitats must always be considered and where such species are or may be present, a Biodiversity survey and report must be undertaken.

Plans should show any significant wildlife habitats or features and the location of habitats of any species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Conservation (Natural Habitats etc) Regulations 1994 (as amended 2007) or Protection of Badgers Act 1992. Applications for development in the countryside that will affect sensitive areas must be accompanied by ecological assessments and include proposals for long term maintenance and management. The Broads Authority have produced a more "Broads specific" checklist which will provide guidance on when an assessment will be required and what this should cover.

The following is an extract covering some of the more common types of development, showing where a biodiversity survey and report will always be needed and the species that should be surveyed for:

‘Conversion of agricultural building:  bats, barn owls, breeding birds. Minor or householder development within 100m of a pond or waterbody:  great crested newts, water voles, amphibians All bridge structures:  bats, otters, water voles. A full ecological survey of the site may be required to cover all protected species and priority species and habitats and also to assess the overall nature conservation value of the site.  This should include an initial ecological assessment of the site, a full ecological assessment including the likely impact of the proposal and mitigation measures, including post-construction monitoring, if required because of the initial assessment.  In some cases, enhancement measures which improve habitat connectivity and contribute to the creation of ecological networks will be required. When preparing the ecological assessment, seasonality is very important. The time of year when a survey can be undertaken may vary according to the species.  Details can be found at or contact the Broads Authority for advice.

In appropriate cases, the above information may be required to be included in an Environmental Statement or an Appropriate Assessment under the Conservation (Natural Habitats etc) Regulations 1994.  If you think this may apply to your proposal please contact the Broads Authority for advice. Further details of accredited ecological consultants can be found at the Institute of Ecologist and Environmental Management or Environmental Data Services’.

In addition to biodiversity, the Broads contain several sites of significant geo-diversity value. If these sites are lost through inappropriate development they cannot be recreated. Any proposal on or near a site of value for its geo-diversity must be accompanied by a survey. This must include a description of the features on site and an assessment of their value, as well details of the measures to be taken for their protection and any mitigation measures proposed. The scope and degree of the survey will vary according to the particular circumstances of each application.

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM13. Particular requirements are:



Biodiversity enhancement statement covering DM13 and Biodiversity Enhancement Guide requirements.

All development


Proposals on previously developed/brownfield land may require surveys to determine if the site has open mosaic habitat of intrinsic biodiversity value.

Development on previously developed land/brownfield land

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Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) became mandatory for planning applications relating to major developments from 12 February 2024 and for small sites from 2 April 2024. There are a number of exemptions, these include (more details in online guidance):

  • Developments below the threshold (de minimis);
  • Householder applications;
  • Self and custom build houses;
  • Biodiversity gain sites;
  • Development orders, including permitted development rights.

To meet mandatory BNG requirements, a development must show a post-development increase in biodiversity of 10% over the pre-development baseline value. To calculate these values a DEFRA Statutory Biodiversity Metric Tool must be completed by an appropriately competent person to quantify biodiversity into Units, which can be used for comparison purposes. The delivery of BNG must be secured and monitored for a period of 30 years.

A Local Planning Authority is required by law to include a General Biodiversity Gain Condition on all planning applications unless covered by an exemption. Where mandatory BNG is required, a minimum level of information must be provided with the application as specified by the legislation (see links below for further information).

To allow the Broads Authority, when determining the application, to ensure that statutory BNG requirements can be delivered, additional information will be required as follows:

Type of application Information required
All A draft fully completed metric tool including post-development calculations.
Major A draft Biodiversity Gain Plan or other report on how the BNG requirement will be delivered.
Proposals including off-site or significant on-site BNG Draft heads of terms for a section 106 or other legal agreement to secure provision of BNG and its monitoring for 30 years.

The Broads Authority has created a webpage to inform potential applicants:

The government has published BNG guidance:

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM13. Particular requirements are:

DM13 Biodiversity enhancement statement covering DM13 and Biodiversity Enhancement Guide requirements. All development
DM13 Proposals on previously developed/brownfield land may require surveys to determine if the site has open mosaic habitat of intrinsic biodiversity value. Development on previously developed land/brownfield land

Prospective applicants are encouraged to engage with the Broads Authority planning team to discuss their application at an early stage through the free pre-application advice service. Please contact

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Climate Change

New build, replacement, change of use or increase in flood space proposals must complete a climate change checklist. See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM9.

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Proposals may seek to convert buildings. The heritage section sets out requirements relating to conversion of heritage assets. DM48 of the Local Plan for the Broads requires a statement addressing particulars set out in that policy for re-use, conversions and change of use of buildings and structures that are not historic.

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Daylight/Sunlight Assessment

In circumstances where there is a potential adverse impact upon the current levels of sunlight/daylight enjoyed by adjoining properties or building(s), including associated gardens or amenity space then applications may also need to be accompanied by a daylight/sunlight assessment. Further guidance is provided in, for example, BRE guidelines on daylight assessments 'Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice ' (BRE Report 209, 1991) ( The grant of planning permission does not confer any immunity on those whose works infringe another's property rights, and which might be subject to action under the Rights of Light Act 1959.

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM21.

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Design and Access Statements

Design and Access Statements are required for:

  • Major developments; and
  • Listed Building applications; and
  • Applications in Conservation Areas and World Heritages Sites where:
    • One or more dwellings are being created, or a building or buildings where new floor space of 100 sq m or more is being created.

A Design and Access Statement is a report which sets out the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development and explains how issues and relevant local policies relating to access to the development have been dealt with. It will also demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account in relation to the proposed development. It will also state what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access to the development and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation; and explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.

The level of detail required in a Design and Access Statement will depend on the scale and complexity of the application, and the length of the Design and Access Statement will vary. It should be proportionate to the application which it supports.

Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM43 may be of relevance.

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Economic Statement - Employment and Tourism Development

Applications should be accompanied by a supporting statement of any economic growth/regeneration benefits from the proposed development including: details of any new jobs that might be created or supported; the relative floorspace totals for each proposed use; and any community benefits.  Applications should demonstrate how they will contribute to the implementation of the goals of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership strategies and objectives.

Business and Farm Diversification proposals have particular requirements as set out in DM27.

Tourism development proposals have particular requirements as set out in DM29.

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Reducing the need for energy and low-carbon energy generation are addressed in the Local Plan for the Broads as follows:

DM14 Energy demand reduction statement covering requirements of DM14 All development
DM14 Energy demand reduction/renewable or low carbon energy statement covering requirements of DM14 Developments of over 10 dwellings
DM14 Energy demand reduction/renewable or low carbon energy statement covering requirements of DM14 Developments of non–housing development over 1,000m2
DM14 Renewable energy statement covering requirements of DM15 Renewable energy proposals

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Environmental Statement

The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the ‘2017 Regulations’) require the submission of an Environmental Statement (ES) for all projects listed in Schedule 1 and for some projects listed as Schedule 2 projects in the Regulations. There is a process known as 'screening' for the Broads Authority to give a formal opinion as to whether or not an ES is required.  If you are required to complete an Environmental Statement, the Broads Authority can provide a scoping report detailing what is required. The Regulations provide a checklist of matters to be considered for inclusion in the Environmental Statement and require the developer to describe the likely significant effects of a development on the environment and to set out the proposed mitigation measures. Please contact the Broads Authority if you think that your proposal may be covered by the Regulations.

See the NPPG:

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Flood Risk Assessment

The requirement for a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) will depend on which flood risk zone the application site is in and the flood vulnerability of the type of development proposed.  Information on where an FRA will be required is provided by the Environment Agency.

You need to do a flood risk assessment for most developments within one of the flood zones. This includes developments:

  • in flood zone 2 or 3 including minor development and change of use
  • more than 1 hectare (ha) in flood zone 1
  • less than 1 ha in flood zone 1, including a change of use in development type to a more vulnerable class (for example from commercial to residential), where they could be affected by sources of flooding other than rivers and the sea (for example surface water drains, reservoirs)
  • in an area within flood zone 1 which has critical drainage problems as notified by the Environment Agency

A FRA may be required for:

  • other changes of use;
  • non-residential extensions;
  • householder development.

You should contact the Broads Authority or the Environment Agency to discuss the requirements for your proposal.

The objectives of an FRA are to establish the following:

  • whether a proposed development is likely to be affected by current or future flooding from any source;
  • whether it will increase flood risk elsewhere;
  • whether the measures proposed to deal with these effects and risks are appropriate;
  • whether the site will be safe.

All FRAs should be prepared on a site-specific basis and relate to the application site.

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM5.

See Broads Authority Supplementary Planning Document on flood risk. This includes a flood risk ‘tick sheet’ template for householder development and a Flood Response Plan template.

See the NPPG:

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Foul Sewage and Drainage Assessment Information

As a wetland environment, the Broads is particularly sensitive to pollution, particularly to the water. Diffuse pollution, including from sewage treatment, in an increasing problem and the Broads Authority is seeking to reduce reliance on non-mains sewerage systems. If an application proposes to connect a development to the existing drainage system then details of the existing system should be shown on the application drawing(s).

It should be noted that in most circumstances surface water is not permitted to be connected to the public foul sewers. Where the development involves the disposal of trade waste or the disposal of foul sewage effluent other than to the public sewer, then a fuller foul drainage assessment will be required including details of the method of storage, treatment and disposal. A foul drainage assessment should include a full assessment of the site, its location and suitability for storing, transporting and treating sewage. See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM6 and DM2.

Where connection to the mains sewer is not practical, then the foul/non-mains drainage assessment will be required to demonstrate why the development cannot connect to the public mains sewer system and show that the alternative means of disposal are satisfactory. See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM 2 and the NPPG

If the proposed development results in any changes or replacement to the existing system or the creation of a new system, scale plans of the new foul drainage arrangements will also need to be provided. This will include a location plan, cross sections/elevations and specification.  Drainage details that will achieve Building Regulations Approval will be required. If connection to any of the above requires crossing land that is not in the applicant's ownership, other than on a public highway, then notice may need to be served on the owners of that land.

All development proposals will need to incorporate measures to attenuate surface water run-off in a manner appropriate to the Broads. Applications should include details of the disposal of surface water run-off. There should be sufficient engineering, geotechnical and hydrological information provided to demonstrate the feasibility and suitability of the proposed solution. See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM6 and flood risk SPD.

If the proposal is for a cemetery or burial ground, a prior groundwater protection risk assessment in accordance with Environment Agency Guidance: Assessing Groundwater Pollution for Cemetery Developments (or successor document or advice) is required.

If the proposal triggers the requirement for a boat wash-down facility, see Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM3.

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Green Travel Plan

A Green travel plan should outline the way in which the transport implications of the development are going to be managed in order to ensure the minimum environmental, social and economic impacts.

Norfolk and Suffolk County Council also has guidance notes for the preparation and submission of travel plans.

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Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Show People

Local Plan for the Broads policy DM36 sets out the requirements for Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Show people schemes. One particular requirement is that of proving Local Need.

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Health and Wellbeing

Policy DM45 and DM46 have requirements that address health and wellbeing and these are:

DM45 Designing places for healthy lives statement covering requirements of DM45 All new housing, commercial and recreational development.
DM46 Water safety plan covering requirements of DM46 Proposals that increase the number of people accessing the water or facilitate the enjoyment of land adjacent to the water.
DM46 Water safety plan covering requirements of DM46 New development increasing the risk of difficulty of getting out of the water, either by new quay heading or raising current levels.

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Heritage Statement (including historical, archaeological features and Scheduled Ancient Monuments)

See Local Plan for the Broads policies DM11 and DM12.

The requirement for supporting information will depend upon the sensitivity of the site and the surrounding features.  Supporting information may include plans showing historic features that may exist on or adjacent to the application site including listed buildings and structures, historic parks and gardens, and historic battle fields.

Where the site is in an area identified as of known or potential importance or is close to a Scheduled Ancient Monument a Statement will always be required.

Historic England consider the Broads to be an area of exceptional potential for waterlogged heritage. As set out in policy DM11, investigation work may be required whether that desk-based or on site. If archaeological work is required, a Statement should describe the archaeological content or assess the potential, and detail any measures of investigation, mitigation or protection to be undertaken. For works to Listed Buildings, a written Statement which includes a schedule of works to the listed building(s) may be required. This statement may also require an analysis of the significance of archaeology, the history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings.

The Heritage Statement should be prepared by a qualified professional heritage expert/archaeologist.  In the case of barn conversions and changes of use (including demolition) of other traditional buildings, the Statement relating to the above ground structure should be prepared by a qualified professional architectural historian. The scope and degree of detail necessary in the written Statement will vary according to particular circumstances of each application

Norfolk and Suffolk Historic Environment Record Service will advise where additional information is required where it is not submitted with a planning application.

Further guidance on archaeology, the historic environment and planning can be found in the NPPG: and on the Historic England website You should contact the Broads Authority to discuss the requirements for your proposal.

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Highways, Access and Parking Provision

Developments which will generate additional vehicular movements to a site must provide details of the additional parking which will be provided to accommodate the extra vehicles. Proposals for holiday or other accommodation will need to demonstrate that adequate parking can be provided. These details could also be shown on a site layout plan. See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM23.

New vehicular access points will be subject to an assessment from Norfolk or Suffolk County Council Highways Department so early discussions with them would be useful.


Affordable Housing

The Broads Authority generally applies the policies of its constituent District Council regarding affordable housing.  That being said, the policy does set out slightly different approaches for smaller schemes - see policy DM34. The thresholds and percentages of affordable housing required are set out in the Local Plans of the districts. An Affordable Housing Statement will be required when the thresholds are met. This will provide information concerning both the affordable housing and any market housing, the mix of units with numbers of habitable rooms and/or bedrooms, or the floor space of habitable areas of residential units, plans showing the location of units and their number of habitable rooms and/or bedrooms, and/or the floor space of the units. If different levels or types of affordability or tenure are proposed for different units this should be clearly and fully explained.

Where a site is split between the Broads and the area of another Local Planning Authority, the site will be considered as a whole and a comprehensive scheme will be required.  Where the relevant thresholds are met, an Affordable Housing Statement will be required.

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM34

Early discussion with the Broads Authority and relevant Housing Authority is recommended.

Rural workers dwelling

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM38

Schemes for rural enterprise workers dwellings need to be accompanied by evidence to demonstrate that the business has been established for three years, has been profitable for at least one of them and is currently financially sound with a clear prospect of remaining so. A business plan for the next three years may assist. Proposals need to show how existing dwellings nearby (to rent or to buy at a price the enterprise can afford) have been considered. Proof may also be required about the cost of the erection of the dwelling and that it will not mean the enterprise is no longer financially viable. If an application is to remove the occupancy condition of a dwelling, information will be required to justify this as well as evidence of 12 months continual attempts to sell or rent the dwelling with the occupancy condition including offering it to at least 3 Registered Social Landlords.

Residential moorings

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM37

The policy requires a management plan for the site as well as a register of those boats being lived on. The management plan will help ensure the site as a whole is appropriately managed. This would normally cover things like noise, waste, delivery times etc. and would have contact details of who to contact if the management requirements of the site are not adhered to. The register of who lives on which boat will be maintained at all times. Also, covered elsewhere, a flood risk assessment will be required as well as a flood response plan.

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Listed Buildings Applications

For listed building consent, applications must be accompanied by a Heritage Statement (see previous) and a Design and Access Statement. In particular, such a statement should address:

(i)  the special architectural or historic interest of the building;
(ii)  the particular physical features of the building that justify its  designation as a listed building; and
(iii)  the building's setting.

The legislative requirements are set out in regulation 3A of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. Also see the NPPG: :

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Landscape and Landscaping

The landscaping scheme shall show details including the size and species of any new trees or hedgerows which are to be planted as a part of the development and proposals for their long term maintenance and landscape management. See the Broads Authority’s Landscaping Strategy Guide.

See the following policies:

DM16 Landscape statement covering requirements of DM16 and the Landscaping Guide All development
DM17 Land raising statement covering requirements of DM17 Schemes that propose land raising
DM18 Excavated material statement covering requirements of DM18. Could be combined to some extent with DM10 Schemes that excavate material
DM20 Settlement fringe statement covering requirements of DM20 Schemes in settlement fringe areas

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Lighting Scheme/Light Pollution Assessment/Dark Skies

The Broads has good and very good dark skies and the Local Plan seeks to address and minimise light pollution. See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM22. Any development in Dark Sky Zone Category 1 this needs to be justified and the details provided. These details shall include a layout plan with beam orientation and a schedule of the equipment in the design. All schemes are required to show that they meet or exceed the Institute of Lighting Professionals guidance or other relevant standards.

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Marketing and Viability

Various policies that relate to changes of use (for example employment, commercial or visitor buildings or holiday accommodation) refer to the need for marketing and viability. See policies for specific requirements and a guide will be produced.

Policies containing marketing/rent requirements:

  • Policy DM12: Re-use of Historic Buildings
  • Policy DM26: Protecting general employment
  • Policy DM30: Holiday accommodation – new provision and retention
  • Policy DM38: Permanent and temporary dwellings for rural enterprise workers
  • Policy DM44: Visitor and community facilities and services
  • Policy DM48: Conversion of buildings

Policies containing viability requirements:

  • Policy DM4: Water Efficiency
  • Policy DM12: Re-use of Historic Buildings
  • Policy SP11: Waterside sites
  • Policy DM26: Protecting general employment
  • Policy DM30: Holiday accommodation – new provision and retention
  • Policy DM34: Affordable housing
  • Policy DM38: Permanent and temporary dwellings for rural enterprise workers
  • Policy DM43: Design
  • Policy DM44:  Visitor and community facilities and services
  • Policy DM48: Conversion of buildings
  • Policy HOR8: Land on the Corner of Ferry Road, Horning
  • Policy SSPUBS: Waterside pubs network

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Moorings and riverbanks

Proposals for riverbank stabilisation need to produce a Riverbank Stabilisation Checklist as required by policy DM32 and set out in the Riverbank stabilisation guide.

Proposals for moorings need to produce a Mooring Checklist as required by policy DM33 and set out in the Mooring design guide.

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Noise Impact Assessment

Application proposals that raise issues of disturbance or are considered to be a noise sensitive development must be supported by a Noise Impact Assessment prepared by a suitably qualified acoustician.

See NPPG: and Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM21.

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Open Space and Green Infrastructure

Plans should show any areas of existing or proposed open space within or adjoining the application site. See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM7 and DM8 which requires the following:

DM7 Open space loss statement If development results in loss of existing sport, recreational, allotment or amenity open space as identified on the policies maps.
DM7 Open space provision statement All residential
DM7 DM7 section C statement Cemeteries and burial grounds
DM8 Green Infrastructure Statement All development

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Photographs and Photo Montages

These provide useful background information and can help to show how developments can be satisfactorily integrated within the street scene. Photographs must be provided if the proposal involves the demolition of an existing building or development affecting a conservation area or a listed building.

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Planning Obligations

This will include brief draft heads of terms for a section 106 agreement or unilateral undertaking. Applicants should clarify the LPAs requirements in pre-application discussions and confirm any planning obligations that they agree to provide in brief heads of terms. See the Local Plan for the Broads policy DM47.

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Proposals for retail development (A Class Use) need to meet the requirements of national policy (see the NPPF section 7) and DM51 which effectively refers to the retail approach of our district councils. A retail impact assessment for example may be required.

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Soil and Engineering

Soils and peat soils, land raising and disposal of excavated material

The Local Plan for the Broads seeks to address these topics as follows. Also see landscape section.

DM10 Peat soils statement covering requirements of DM10. Could be combined to some extent with DM18. Development that is in areas of peat
DM17 Land raising statement covering requirements of DM17 Schemes that propose land raising
DM18 Excavated material statement covering requirements of DM18. Could be combined to some extent with DM10. Schemes that excavate material

Land Contamination Assessment

Applications will need to be accompanied by a land contamination assessment where there is a likelihood that a previous land-use has produced contamination or pollution which will have affected the site.  A report will always be required where the previous use was commercial (excluding Class A uses under the Use Classes Order) or industrial.

Sufficient information should be provided to determine the existence or otherwise of contamination, its nature and the risks it may pose and whether these can be satisfactorily reduced to an acceptable level.  Where contamination is known or suspected or the proposed use would be particularly vulnerable, the applicant should provide such information with the application as is necessary to determine whether the proposed development can proceed.

Further details on the requirements can be found in the NPPG:

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Statement of Community Involvement

Major applications (which may meet the NPPF definition of Major Development or that reflect Major Development in terms of Local Plan for the Broads policy DM1) or those which are controversial, on sensitive sites or on a significant scale will need to be supported by a statement that sets out out how the applicant has engaged with the local community at a pre-application stage. This process should have established local issues and concerns and these should have been addressed in the application.

There are a range of pre-application engagement techniques which can be used, including public exhibitions, public meetings, press releases and public notices. In the case of major applications, there are considerable benefits to be gained from wider community involvement throughout the application process. For minor applications we recommend that applicants consult immediate neighbours before submitting an application.

Also see the NPPG:

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Structural Survey of the Property

A structural survey will be required for all proposals for the conversion of an existing building, in whatever condition, to an alternative use or for proposals which involve re-building works or demolition. The structural survey will need to be carried out by a competent surveyor and should demonstrate that the building is capable of conversion. See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM11, DM12 and DM48.

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Telecommunications Development - Supplementary Information

Planning applications for mast and antenna development by mobile phone network operators in England must be accompanied by a range of supplementary information including the area of search, details of any consultation undertaken, details of the proposed structure, and technical justification and information about the proposed development.

Planning applications should also be accompanied by a signed declaration that the equipment and installation has been designed to be in full compliance with the requirements of the radio frequency (RF) public exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

Further guidance on the information that may be required is set out in the Code of Practice on Mobile Network Development (2016):

See the Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM19 as well as National Parks England and Mobile UK Joint Accord / Memorandum of Understanding:

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Transport Assessment

See Local Plan for the Broads Section 20 and SSROADS.

A Transport Assessment (TA) should be submitted as part of any planning application where the proposed development has significant transport implications. The coverage and detail of the TA should reflect the scale of the development and the extent of the transport implications of the proposal. For smaller schemes a Transport Statement (TS) is likely to be sufficient.  The TS should simply outline the transport aspects of the application, while for major proposals, the TA should illustrate accessibility to the site by all modes of transport, and the likely modal split of journeys to and from the site. It should also give details of proposed measures to improve access by public transport, walking and cycling.

Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils set guidance on when a TA or TS will apply.

It is not likely that many applications in the Broads Authority area will require a TA or TS, but please contact us to discuss it if you think that your proposal will be covered.  All proposals which involve an alteration to the public highway may need to be accompanied by further assessments or audits as required by the relevant Local Highways Authority (County Council).

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Tree Survey/Arboricultural Statement

Where the application involves works that affect any trees within the application site, the species, spread, roots and position of trees should be illustrated accurately on the site plan.  This must indicate any trees which are to be felled or affected by the proposed development. The location of any trees within adjacent properties that may be affected by the application should also be shown.

A statement in relation to the measures to be adopted during construction works to protect those trees shown to be retained on the submitted drawings may also be necessary.  Details of replacement trees or hedges, including measures for maintenance and after-care should also be included. Further guidance is also provided in BS5837:1991 'a guide for trees in relation to construction'. If the trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order or are within a Conservation Area formal consent will be needed and the appropriate forms can be obtained from the Broads Authority.

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Utilities Statement

An application should indicate how the development connects to existing utility infrastructure systems.  Most new development requires connection to existing utility services, including electricity and gas supplies, telecommunications and water supply, and also needs connection to foul and surface water drainage and disposal.  Two planning issues arise; firstly, whether the existing services and infrastructure have sufficient capacity to accommodate the supply/service demands which would arise from the completed development, and secondly, whether the provision of services on site would give rise to any environmental impacts, for example, excavations in the vicinity of trees or archaeological remains.

For all major applications (NPPF definition or DM1 Major Development), information must be submitted to demonstrate that:

(a)  following consultation with the service provider, the availability of utility services has been examined and that the proposals would not result in undue stress on the delivery of those services to the wider community;
(b)  proposals incorporate any utility company requirements for substations, telecommunications equipment or similar structures;
(c)  service routes have been planned to avoid as far as possible the potential for damage to trees and archaeological remains;
(d)  the development impinges on existing infrastructure the provisions for relocating or protecting that infrastructure have been agreed with the service provider.

All relevant development needs to produce a Foul Drainage Statement to address the requirements of DM2.

Where appropriate, all applicants must indicate the likely infrastructure requirements of their proposal and the proposed timing of this in order that the works can be programmed and co-ordinated in accordance with the objectives set out in the Traffic Management Act 2004 in consultation with the Local Highways Authority.

See Local Plan for the Broads policy DM2 and DM19.

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Ventilation/Extraction and Refuse Disposal Details

Details of the position and design of ventilation and extraction equipment, including odour abatement techniques and acoustic noise characteristics, will be required to accompany all applications for the use of premises for purposes within Use Classes A3 (i.e. Restaurants and cafes – use for the sale of food and drink for consumption on the premises), A4 (i.e. Drinking establishments – use as a public house, wine-bar or other drinking establishment), A5 (i.e. Hot food takeaways – use for the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises), B1 (general business) and B2 (general industrial).  This information (excluding odour abatement techniques unless specifically required) will also be required for significant retail, business, industrial or leisure or other similar developments where substantial ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed to be installed.

See Local Plan for the Broads Policy DM21.

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Visitor and Community Facilities

Applications for:

  • the change of use or redevelopment of an existing community
  • visitor or recreational facility or service
  • development of new buildings
  • the extension of existing buildings or the use of land to meet a need for local community uses
  • facilities and new village halls or community centres

Need to produce a statement addressing the requirements of policy DM44 of the Local Plan for the Broads.

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All new/replacement/converted dwellings and buildings for non-residential land uses needs to address water efficiency and the approaches taken need to be set out in a water efficiency statement. In the case of non-residential development, the BREEAM Water Calculator needs to be completed. See Policy DM4 of the Local Plan for the Broads.

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(Date last reviewed: 01/08/2024)