The Local Plan for the Broads: Review
Preferred Options consultation March 2024: Plan period 2021 to 2041
Welcome to the HTML version of our Preferred Options Local Plan consultation, covering 2021 to 2041. To view the other documents please return to our Local Plan - Review webpage.
- 1.Introduction
- 2. About this consultation
- 3. About Local Plans
- 4. Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment
- 5. Timeline and stages for the production of the Local Plan for the Broads
- 6. Policy context
- 6.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2023)
- 6.2 National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) (ongoing)
- 6.3 UK Marine Policy Statement (2011)
- 6.4 East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans (2014)
- 6.5 National Parks Circular (2010)
- 6.6 Broads Plan 2022
- 6.7 Current Broads Planning Policy Documents
- 6.8 Neighbouring Local Planning Authority Planning Policy Documents
- 6.9 Norfolk Strategic Planning Framework (NSPF) (2021)
- 6.10 Neighbourhood Plans
- 6.11 Nutrient neutrality
- 6.12 Recreation Avoidance Mitigation Strategy (RAMS)
- 7. About the Broads
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 How the Broads was formed
- 7.3 The Broads Authority
- 7.4 The Broads Authority Executive Area
- 7.5 The landscape of the Broads
- 7.6 The economy of the Broads
- 7.7 The natural environment of the Broads
- 7.8 Historic environment and culture of the Broads
- 7.9 Navigating the Broads
- 7.10 The boats and people who sail them
- 7.11 The community of the Broads
- 7.12 Pressures on the Broads
- 7.13 Access and recreation
- 7.14 The special qualities of the Broads
- 8. Duty to Cooperate
- 9. The Broads: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
- 10. Vision and Objectives
- 11. The rest of the Preferred Options Local plan
- 12. Sustainable development in the Broads
- 13. Climate Change
- 14. Water use and quality
- 15. Flooding
- 16. Open space, play and allotments
- 17. Green infrastructure
- 18. Soils
- 19. Heritage and historic assets
- 20. Natural Environment
- 21. Renewable energy
- 22. Landscape character
- 23. Amenity
- 24. Tranquillity and Light pollution
- 25. Transport
- 26. The Broads economy
- 27. Retail
- 28. Sustainable tourism
- 29. Navigation
- 30. Housing and residential moorings
- 31. Design
- 32. Visitor and community facilities and services
- 33. Health and wellbeing
- 34. Planning obligations/developer contributions
- 35. Other Development Management policies
- 36. Site-Specific policies
- 37. Acle
- 38. Brundall Riverside
- 39. Cantley
- 40. Chedgrave
- 41. Dilham
- 42. Ditchingham Dam
- 43. Fleggburgh
- 44. Gillingham
- 45. Great Yarmouth
- 46. Horning
- 47. Hoveton and Wroxham
- 48. Loddon
- 49. Norwich
- 50. Ormesby St. Michael
- 51. Oulton Broad
- 52. Potter Heigham/Repps with Bastwick
- 53. St. Olaves
- 54. Somerleyton
- 55. Stalham
- 56. Stokesby
- 57. Thorpe St. Andrew
- 58. Thurne
- 59. Trowse and Whitlingham
- 60. Non-Settlement Based Policies
- 61. Implementation, monitoring and review
- 62. Next steps
- Appendix 1: Privacy notice
- Appendix 2: List of Parishes (and Towns and City) in the Broads
- Appendix 3: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
- Appendix 4: Climate change adaptation and resilience checklist
- Appendix 5: Policy implementation - Water efficiency and residential
- Appendix 6: Flood response plan guidance and structure
- Appendix 7: Flood Risk Assessment tick sheet
- Appendix 8: Current Sustainability Appraisal Objectives
- Appendix 9: General principles for Sustainable Drainage Systems
- Appendix 10: location of peat in the Broads
- Appendix 11: Housing and Residential Moorings Trajectories
- Appendix 12: Design Code Checklist
- Appendix 13: Small Site Healthy Planning Checklist
- Appendix 14: Monitoring and Implementation Framework
- Appendix 15: Light pollution and dark skies – map of zones
- Appendix 16: Acle Straight and considerations/constraints
- Appendix 17: Superseded policies (once Local Plan adopted)
- Appendix 18: Settlement Fringe Landscape Character
List of policies
- Policy PODM1: Major Development in the Broads
- Policy PODM2: Embodied Carbon
- Policy POSP1: Responding to the Climate Emergency
- Policy PODM3: Climate change adaption and resilience checklist
- Policy PODM4: Water quality and foul drainage
- Policy PODM5: Boat wash-down facilities
- Policy PODM6: Water efficiency and re-use
- Policy POSP2: Strategic flood risk policy
- Policy PODM7: Development and flood risk
- Policy PODM8: Surface water run-off
- Policy PODM9: Open space on land, play space, sports fields and allotments.
- Policy PODM10: Green infrastructure
- Policy POSP3: Soils
- Policy PODM11: Peat soils
- Policy POSP4: Historic Environment
- Policy PODM12: Heritage Assets
- Policy PODM13: Re-use, Conversion or Change of Use of Historic Buildings
- Policy POSP5: Biodiversity
- Policy PODM14: Natural Environment
- Policy PODM15: Biodiversity Net Gain
- Policy PODM16: Mitigating Recreational Impacts
- Policy PODM17: Mitigating Nutrient Enrichment Impacts
- Policy PODM18: Energy demand and performance of new buildings (including extensions)
- Policy PODM19: Renewable and low carbon energy
- Policy POSP6: Landscape character
- Policy PODM20: Development and landscape
- Policy PODM21: Land raising
- Policy PODM22: Excavated material
- Policy PODM23: Utilities infrastructure development
- Policy PODM24: Trees, woodlands, hedges, scrub and shrubs and development
- Policy PODM25: Protection and enhancement of settlement fringe landscape character
- Policy PODM26: Amenity
- Policy POSP7: Tranquillity in the Broads
- Policy PODM27: Light pollution and dark skies and nocturnal character
- Policy POSP8: Accessibility and Transport
- Policy POSP9: Recreational access around the Broads area
- Policy PODM28: Transport, highways and access
- Policy PODM29: Recreation facilities parking areas
- Policy POSP10: A prosperous local economy
- Policy PODM30: New employment development
- Policy PODM31: Protecting general employment
- Policy PODM32: Farm diversification
- Policy POSP11: Waterside sites
- Policy PODM33: Development on waterside sites in employment or commercial use, including boatyards.
- Policy PODM34: Retail development in the Broads
- Policy POSP12: Sustainable tourism
- Policy PODM35: Sustainable tourism and recreation development
- Policy PODM36: Holiday/tourism accommodation – new provision and retention
- Policy POSP13: Navigable water space
- Policy PODM37: Access to the water
- Policy PODM38: Bank stabilisation
- Policy POSP14: Mooring provision
- Policy PODM39: Moorings, mooring basins and marinas
- Policy PODM40: The impact of replacement quay heading on navigation.
- Policy PODM41: Materials used for quay heading, capping and waling, small bridges, viewing platforms, landing stagings and boardwalks
- Policy POSP15: Residential development
- Policy PODM42: Affordable housing
- Policy PODM43: Residential development within defined Development Boundaries
- Policy PODM44: Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People
- Policy PODM45: New residential moorings
- Policy PODM46: Permanent and temporary dwellings for rural enterprise workers
- Policy PODM47: Elderly and specialist needs housing
- Policy PODM48: Residential ancillary accommodation
- Policy PODM49: Replacement dwellings
- Policy PODM50: Custom/self-build
- Policy POPS16: Strategic Design Policy
- Policy PODM51: Design
- Policy PODM52: Source of heating
- Policy PODM53: Heat resilient design
- Policy PODM54: Non-residential development and BREEAM
- Policy PODM55: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points – fire safety, design, location, and lighting.
- Policy PODM56: Fibre to the Premises
- Policy POSP17: Community facilities
- Policy PODM57: Visitor and community facilities and services
- Policy PODM58: Designing places for healthy lives
- Policy PODM59: Planning obligations and developer contributions
- Policy PODM60: Advertisements and signs
- Policy PODM61: Re-use, conversion or change of use of buildings
- Policy PODM62: Leisure plots, amenity plots and mooring plots
- Policy POACL1: Acle Cemetery extension
- Policy POACL2: Acle Playing Field extension.
- Policy POBRU1: Riverside chalets and mooring plots
- Policy POBRU2: Riverside Estate Boatyards, etc., including land adjacent to railway line
- Policy POBRU3: Brundall Mooring Plots
- Policy POBRU4: Brundall Marina
- Policy POBRU5: Land east of the White Heron Public House
- Policy POBRU6: Brundall Gardens
- Policy POCAN1: Cantley Sugar Factory
- Policy POCHE1: Greenway Marine residential moorings
- Policy PODIL 1: Dilham Marina (Tyler’s Cut Moorings)
- Policy PODIT1: Maltings Meadow Sports Ground, Ditchingham
- Policy PODIT2: Ditchingham Maltings Open Space, Habitat Area and Alma Beck
- Policy POFLE1: Broadland Sports Club
- Policy POGIL1 Gillingham residential moorings (H. E. Hipperson's Boatyard)
- Policy POGTY1: Marina Quays (Port of Yarmouth Marina)
- Policy POHOR1: Horning Car Parking
- Policy POHOR2: Horning Open Space (public and private)
- Policy POHOR3: Waterside plots
- Policy POHOR4: Horning Sailing Club
- Policy POHOR5: Crabbett’s Marsh
- Policy POHOR6: Horning - Boatyards, etc. at Ferry Road. and Ferry View Road
- Policy POHOR7: Woodbastwick Fen moorings
- Policy POHOR8: Land on the Corner of Ferry Road, Horning
- Policy POHOV1: Green infrastructure
- Policy POHOV2: Station Road car park
- Policy POHOV3: Brownfield land off Station Road, Hoveton
- Policy POHOV4: BeWILDerwood Adventure Park
- Policy POHOV5: Hoveton Town Centre and areas adjacent to the Town Centre
- Policy POLOD1: Loddon Marina Residential Moorings
- Policy PONOR1: Utilities Site
- Policy PONOR2: Riverside walk and cycle path
- Policy POORM1: Ormesby waterworks
- Policy POOUL1: Boathouse Lane Leisure Plots
- Policy POOUL2: Oulton Broad - Former Pegasus/Hamptons Site
- Policy POOUL3 - Oulton Broad District Shopping Centre
- Policy POPHRB1: Bridge Area
- Policy POPHRB2: Waterside plots
- Policy POPHRB3: Green Bank Zones
- Policy POSOL1: Riverside area moorings
- Policy POSOM1: Somerleyton Marina Residential Moorings
- Policy POSTA1: Land at Stalham Staithe (Richardson’s Boatyard)
- Policy POSTO1 Land adjacent to Tiedam, Stokesby
- Policy POTSA1: Cary’s Meadow
- Policy POTSA2: Thorpe Island
- Policy POTSA3: Griffin Lane – boatyards and industrial area
- Policy POTSA4: Bungalow Lane – mooring plots and boatyards
- Policy POTSA5: River Green Open Space
- Policy POTHU1: Tourism development at Hedera House, Thurne
- Policy POWHI1: Whitlingham Country Park plus adjacent land
- Policy POWHI2: Land at Whitlingham Lane
- Policy POSSTRI: Trinity Broads
- Policy POSSUT: Upper Thurne
- Policy POSSPUBS: Pubs network
- Policy POSSROADS: Main road network
- Policy POSSTRACKS: Former rail trackways
- Policy POSSSTATIONS: Railway stations/halts
- Policy POSSSTAITHES: Staithes
- Policy SSCOAST: The Coast
- Policy POSSMILLS: Drainage Mills
- Policy POSSLGS: Local Green Space
- Policy POSSA47: Road schemes on the Acle Straight (A47T)