
Policy POSTO1 Land adjacent to Tiedam, Stokesby

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  1. Land at Tiedam, Stokesby is allocated for four dwellings.
  2. Residential development proposals on this site will be permitted, providing that:
    1. The scheme delivers a selection of housing types and sizes agreed with Great Yarmouth Borough Council and Broads Authority in consultation with the Parish Council;
    2. The layout, density, form and design strengthen the rural character of the village and reinforces local distinctiveness and landscape character, and proposals are in conformity with the Design Guide (or successor document);
    3. The mature hedgerows and trees, including the mature oak tree on the site, are retained as an integral element of any scheme in perpetuity;
    4. The amenity of residents both adjoining the site and the access to the site are protected;
    5. The scheme addresses light pollution; and
    6. The scheme provides biodiversity net gain (in line with policy PODM15) and mitigates recreation impacts (through the GI RAMS tariff or equivalent mitigation).
  3. Development proposals shall be accompanied by:
    1. A palette of materials that complement and reflect the local vernacular;
    2. A detailed landscaping scheme that incorporates the existing planting on the site, provides suitable boundary planting using native hedgerow and plant species, and creates areas of open space, to retain a spacious and green character within the site appropriate for a rural village;
    3. Confirmation that there is adequate capacity in the water recycling centre (sewage treatment works) and the foul sewerage network to serve the proposed development. Proposals shall also set out the methodology for the disposal of surface water and demonstrate that they will not have an adverse impact on groundwater in terms of quality and quantity;
    4. A written methodology for the protection of the oak tree on the site during and after construction in accordance with British Standard 5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations) as amended;
    5. Details of the vehicular access to site including visibility splays, access width and formation to adequately service the number of vehicles associated with the scale of development proposed;
    6. Appropriate habitat and protected species surveys undertaken immediately prior to the submission of any planning application; and
    7. Details of permanent biodiversity enhancements to be incorporated into the dwellings and the landscaping strategy to include, for example, swift nests and bat roosts.

Constraints and features

  • EA mapping and SFRA 2017 mapping Flood Risk Zone 1.
  • Riverside pub is nearby.
  • Neighbouring dwellings.
  • Access and visibility splay and private road access
  • Large Oak tree on site (TPO).
  • Located on edge of medieval and post medieval village and close to green (as shown by Faden's 1797 map) - it therefore has potential to contain medieval and/or post medieval settlement remains.
  • Artefacts from a range of periods have been found in the vicinity.
  • The area has good to very good dark skies.
  • The site is in the Norfolk RAMs area.
  • The site is NOT in scope in relation to Nutrient Enrichment.

Reasoned justification

The site received planning permission in 2022, but at the time of writing has not been completed.

Stokesby is an attractive settlement in the Broads, centrally located and easy to access from the water. It is one of the few settlements in the Broads where most of the settlement is in the Broads Authority Executive Area.

The site was promoted through the Preferred Options stage of the 2019 Local Plan and subsequently assessed and allocated.

The site will be largely hidden from most of the village although adjacent to development on Croft Hill and Mill Road, to rear gardens of those properties. Given the constraints of the site and the existing pattern of development in the village, it is considered that around four modest dwellings might be accommodated on the site. Consideration should be given to the existing form of development, both immediately adjacent and in the wider settlement. Semi-detached forms or small terraces could be employed, both of which feature prominently within the village. Care should be taken with the detailed design, so the insertion contributes positively to the village and its continued development over time. A palette of materials should be considered that complements the existing settlement or contrasts to it in a complementary manner. As always, quality in terms of design, detailing, and materials will be critical in achieving a finished product that positively contributes to the character of the settlement.

The policy highlights the need for the scheme to ensure Biodiversity Net Gain in line with national requirements and policy PODM15. The scheme will also need to mitigate recreation impacts, and this is most easily done through paying the GI RAMS tariff.

Proposers are required to engage early with the Broads Authority and Parish Council on the issues of mix of uses, site layout and design. Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s Housing Team also needs to be engaged in relation to the type of and size of dwellings needed in the area. In determining the housing to be delivered on site, the applicant should consider if the provision of serviced self-build and custom build plot(s) and/or the provision of starter homes is possible on this site.

The design of the development shall meet the requirements of the Design Guide and design policy PODM51.

Further, to reflect the site’s location at the edge of the settlement, proposals will need to meet the requirements of policy PODM27 as the Stokesby area generally has good to very good dark skies.

There may be a requirement for an evidence based, project level HRA, to inform the proposal.

It is anticipated that the dwellings could be delivered by the end of 2024.

In terms of Nutrient Neutrality, the Broads Authority consider that the sites itself is outside of the Broads SAC catchment and this scheme’s foul water would drain to a Water Recycling Centre that is not within the Broads SAC catchment and so does not need to mitigate for Phosphate or Nitrates.

Reasonable alternative options

An alternative option would be to keep the original policy (other than amending text relating to numbers as well as adding reference to BNG, GI RAMS and NN) and not mention light pollution within the policy itself.

Another option would be to not have a policy and not allocate the site, but this site has planning permission and so that is not deemed a reasonable alternative.

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Keep original policy (other than amending text relating to numbers as well as adding reference to BNG, GI RAMS and NN). 6 positives. 2 negatives. 1 ? Despite the negatives, there are benefits to allocating the site, as set out in the supporting text. Also, this scheme has permission and so this policy is included in case the applicant wished to change anything about the scheme.

B: Preferred Option - amend policy to improve reference to light pollution (and add reference to BNG, GI RAMS and NN). 7 positives. 2 negatives. 1 ? Despite the negatives, there are benefits to allocating the site, as set out in the supporting text. Also, this scheme has permission and so this policy is included in case the applicant wished to change anything about the scheme.

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy was used, and the application was in conformity with the policy.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

The stronger wording relating to light pollution is favoured when compared to the original to ensure the dark skies of the Broads are protected in this edge of settlement location. The other changes relating to numbers, BNG, GI RAMS and NN are factual.