Invitations to tender

On this page we will detail all current invitations to tender for contracts for goods or services above £25,000 and provide links to tender documents. If wishing to submit a tender please ensure you read the documentation carefully and fill out all of the relevant forms before submission.

Tender for Acle Footpath Refurbishment Works

The Authority is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to carry out refurbishment works at Acle Footpath (between Acle Bridge PH and the new Acle Marina entrance).

It is expected that works should commence on 18 November 2024 and be completed by 17 January 2025.

For further information please see the documentation below:

If you have any issues accessing the documentation or for more information, please contact Jo Thompson, Waterways & Recreation Officer by emailing

Deadline for submissions – 4pm on Friday 18 October 2024