Evidence base

The following information is evidence to support the production of the new Local Plan.

Housing Supply Topic Paper (2018)

Requested by the Inspector, this Housing Supply Topic Paper sets out estimated annual phasing rates for each outstanding permission and proposed allocation site, updated housing trajectory graph which reflects the identified annual phasing rates and includes all relevant sources of supply including outstanding permissions.

Five Year Land Supply – as at adoption of the Local Plan (2019)

This Five Year Land Supply Statement is produced to inform the Local Plan examination hearings. It is produced as though the Local Plan has been adopted and the refined housing trajectory is approved. A date of adoption within the financial year of 2018/19 is assumed.

Broads Authority Viability Appraisal of the Broads Local Plan (2017)

This viability study is part of the evidence base for the Broads Authority Local Plan. Firstly, it assesses the viability of types of sites submitted through the Site allocations Part of the Local Plan. Secondly it assesses whether policies in the Local Plan will adversely affect the viability of development proposed in the Site allocations Part of the Local Plan or the delivery of other developments in the plan period.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (2017 and 2018)

A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment is a study carried out by one or more local planning authorities to assess the risk to an area from flooding from all sources, now and in the future, taking account of the impacts of climate change, and to assess the impact that land use changes and development in the area will have on flood risk. One of the main outputs of such a study is the identification of the flood risk zones that are needed in planning – 1, 2, 3a and 3b plus climate change.

There are actually four SFRAs that cover the Broads.

Please visit our SFRA page to find out more.

Planning in Health: An Engagement Protocol Between Local Planning Authorities, Public Health and Health Sector Organisations in Norfolk (2019)

The links between planning and health have been known for a long time. This Engagement Protocol provides important background information relating to the needs of the population resulting from development in Norfolk as well as processes to follow to ensure that health continues to be an important consideration when planning and delivering development in Norfolk.

Equalities Impact Assessment (2017)

An Equality Impact Assessment of the Local Plan has been undertaken to consider whether the Plan policies reflect the equality needs of the Broads’ community and others potentially affected by the Plan.

Sustainable Communities Strategies and Business Plans Assessment (2017)

Parts of the Broads Authority Executive Area cover parts of six District Councils in two Counties.  The Sustainable Community Strategies of these councils have informed the production of the Broads Authority Local Plan. These are assessed in terms of compatibility between the objectives of the Strategies and the policies of the Local Plan. Because of the age of the documents, we have also assessed the Corporate or Business Plans of our districts.

Norfolk Caravans and Houseboats Accommodation Needs Assessment (ANA) including for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people (2017)

Five Norfolk local authorities (Broadland District Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, North Norfolk District Council, Norwich City Council, and South Norfolk District Council), alongside the Broads Authority and Norfolk County Council, commissioned RRR Consultancy Ltd to undertake a Caravans and Houseboats Needs Accommodation Assessment (ANA) for the period 2017-2036.

Broads Plan and Local Plan Comparison (2017)

The Broads Plan and Local Plan Comparison assessment briefly shows how the Local Plan is in conformity with the emerging Broads Plan (2017).

How the issues in the Issues and Options document have been taken forward (2017)

This Issues and Options assessment shows how the issues raised in the Issues and Options consultation have been taken forward.

Residential Moorings Topic Paper (revised 2017 and 2018)

As part of the Issues and Options consultation, held in early 2016, stakeholders and the public were asked to nominate areas suitable for residential moorings. A further call for sites was held in June/July 2017. On this occasion, marinas and boatyards that meet the locational requirements of the policy (i.e. within or adjacent to development boundaries) were contacted. The nominations received have been assessed. Assessment of residential moorings nominations document.

Some further sites were submitted prior to submitting the Local Plan and the assessment of these can be found here: Assessment of residential moorings nominations received during the Publication Consultation January 2018

Broads Authority Dark Skies Study (2016)

The skies of the Broads were surveyed between October 2015 and April 2016 to ascertain the darkness levels.

This Dark Skies Study discusses the surveys as well as presents the results. The darkest areas are around Hickling Broad and Geldeston areas.

Dark Skies – CPRE and Broads Dark Skies Survey Assessment (2016)

This Dark Skies report compares the two recent datasets that assess light pollution in the area. The Dark Skies Survey data was compiled between October 2015 and March 2016. This work effectively looked up from the ground. The other evidence (Night Blight) was completed by the CPRE in 2016 and used satellites to assess the light pollution around the whole country, by looking down at the earth.

Local Green Space – assessment of nominations (revised 2017)

As part of the Issues and Options consultation (February to April 2016), a call for nominations for areas to be considered as Local Green Space was made. Parish Councils were given a further opportunity in the summer of 2016. Anyone wishing to nominate an area were asked to fill a form out. See Appendix A for the nomination form. Some sites were included in the draft policy set out in the Preferred Options Local Plan. As part of that consultation, we received many comments and as such, we have revised the Local Green Space Nominations and Assessment report which assesses nominations received.

Local Plan and Adopted Neighbourhood Plans assessment (2017)

This Local Plan and Adopted Neighbour Plans assessment table shows the visions and objectives of the various adopted Neighbourhood Plans and explains how these are addressed in the Local Plan. It is important to note that not all of the area of the parishes to which the Neighbourhood Plans apply is within the Broads.

Renewable Energy Topic Paper (2016)

This Renewable Energy Topic Paper brings together literature on renewable energy in general as well as relating specifically to the Broads Authority Executive Area.

Local Infrastructure Report (2016)

The Local Infrastructure Report seeks to summarise the needs and approaches to provision of local infrastructure.

Rural Enterprise Dwellings and PPS7 Topic Paper (2016)

This Rural Enterprise Dwellings and PPS7 Topic Paper report discusses the former PPS7 and shows how the draft policy on rural enterprise dwellings incorporates elements of the former PPS7.

Development Boundaries Topic Paper (2016)

The Development Boundaries Topic Report discusses settlements assesses as part of the Settlements Study and their suitability for a development boundary.

Housing Topic Paper (revised 2017)

This Housing Topic Paper discusses the OAN and how the Broads Authority will ensure the need is met. This has been updated to reflect the 2016/2017 Annual Monitoring Report.

Duty to Cooperate Statement (2017)

This Duty to Cooperate Statement summarises how the Broads Authority has met the requirements to cooperate and the effectiveness of that cooperation insofar as it relates to the Proposed Broads Local Plan.

Central Norfolk Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and self-build addendum (2017)

The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) for Central Norfolk was published in July 2017. Its purpose is to set out the Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) for housing in the local planning authority areas of Broadland, Breckland, North Norfolk, Norwich and South Norfolk together with the Broads Authority. An addendum has also been completed to address self-build.

The SHMA was prepared by Opinion Research Services (ORS) and will be used by the commissioning authorities as a shared evidence base to inform the Local Plan process.

Please find the SHMA report.

Please find the self-build addendum.

For further information, please contact planningpolicy@broads-authority.gov.uk

Indices of Multiple Deprivation topic paper (2016)

This topic paper discusses the issue of deprivation as it relates to the Broads Authority Executive Area.

Settlement Study (2016, some revisions 2017)

This Indices of Multiple Deprivation Study assesses certain settlements for the facilities and services they have access to.

Major hazards (2016)

The Government requires Local Planning Authorities to base planning policies on up to date major hazards. The Major Hazards topic paper discusses different types of hazards and how they affect the Broads.

East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans assessment against the Broads Local Plan proposals (2017)

This East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans assessment report assesses the vision, objectives and policies of the East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans and how they compare with the proposals within the Local Plan.

Sequential Test (flood risk) (revised December 2017)

This Sequential Test ensures that a sequential approach is followed to steer new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding. It has been revised to assess policies added since the original sequential test was produced. This has been updated, in liaison with the Environment Agency, to reflect the new Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

Retail Evidence Base

Thunder Lane Site Assessment, Thorpe St Andrew (2017)

Through the Preferred Options consultation we received a nomination for elderly care home development at this site. This Thunder Lane Site Assessment report assesses the site for its suitability for development.

Land at Tiedam Site Assessment, Stokesby (2017)

Through the Preferred Options consultation we received a nomination for market residential development at this site. This Tiedam Site Assessment report assesses the site for its suitability for development.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Position Statement, Produced by the Broads Authority and the Environment Agency (updated July 2018)

Much of the Broads Authority Executive Area will not be able to have flood risk modelled until around 2021. This Position Statement provides detail on this. This joint position statement was agreed in July 2018 and replaces the May 2017 version.

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (revised 2017)

The Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) is a key evidence document which supports the preparation of Local Plans. Its purpose is to test whether there is sufficient land to meet objectively assessed need (OAN) and identifies where this land may be located. The Methodology can be found here. This is a revision and update to the original HELAA that was published early 2017. This has been updated to reflect the 2016/2017 Annual Monitoring Report.

Towards Allocations – the next steps for the sites assessed in the HELAA (2017)

Following on from the HELAA, this HELAA document summarises the approach taken for each site as the Local Plan was prepared.

Economy Topic Paper (2017)

As the new Local Plan for the Broads is produced, this Economy Topic Paper  seeks to bring together primary evidence (obtained through surveys and interviews) and other relevant findings of related reports to inform the economy section of the Local Plan. Furthermore, general thoughts of stakeholders and the public have been ascertained through the Issues and Options and Preferred Options consultations and these too will be taken into account as the Economy section of the Local Plan is produced.

Settlement Fringe Topic Paper (2017)

Settlement fringe is a landscape type represents those areas of land found repeatedly throughout the Broads where settlement and semi natural/natural environment converge. This Settlement Fringe Topic Paper seeks to provide further information and give an indication of some areas of settlement fringe at risk of change.

Land at 21A Church Close, Chedgrave Topic Paper (2016)

In response to the Broads Local Plan Issues and Options consultation, a request was made to make a development boundary around the garden at 21A Church Close. This Chedgrave Topic Paper assesses that request.

Visitor Surveys at European Protected Sites Across Norfolk during 2015 and 2016 (2017)

The specific aims of this Visitor Survey report are to improve understanding of the links between where people live in Norfolk and how they use the countryside – focusing on some of the most important sites for nature conservation in the county. This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the results of visitor survey work at a range of sites across Norfolk. All the survey locations are internationally important wildlife sites, subject to strict national and international protections. An analysis of visitor patterns, including visitor numbers, access and use of such sites, can help inform how visitors impact on the landscape and the wildlife.