
We have 21 members from diverse backgrounds who represent the public's interests in the Broads.

Bill Dickson headshot

They are appointed by local councils, the Secretary of State for the Environment and two members are appointed by the Authority itself from the eight co-opted members of the Navigation Committee.

We operate a scheme of member allowances and each year we are required to publish the total sum paid to each member for the previous financial year.

Find out more about our Broads Authority and Navigation co-opted members on the meet our members page.

Member Register of Interests

The Broads Authority maintains a register of members' interests in which the members of the Broads Authority register their interests in accordance with the Broads Authority's Code of Conduct for Members. This Register of Interests is open to public inspection at the Broads Authority's office in Norwich, or you can view this information on the individual member's page.

Member appointments

Our Appointments table provides more details of where our members are drawn from.

Members may belong to one or more of the Authority's committees.

Member appointments to committees and other bodies 2024/25.

The aim of our small committee structure is:

  • To provide a streamlined, efficient and quick decision-making process
  • To enable members to be involved in, and well informed on, all aspects of the Authority's work
  • To ensure members' accountability.
  • A Member development programme has been devised to outline the skills and knowledge that a member will need to acquire to carry out their role effectively.

Further information for members can be found in the Members' Handbook.

Monitoring Officer

Under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 the Authority is required to appoint a Monitoring Officer whose duties include:

  • Reporting to the Authority in any case where the Monitoring Officer is of the opinion that any proposal or decision of the Authority has or is likely to give rise to any illegality or maladministration;
  • To be responsible for matters relating to the conduct of members and officers, including investigations into allegations about the conduct of members; and
  • To be responsible for the operation of the Authority’s Constitution.

This role is provided by Jonathan Goolden, Partner with Wilkin Chapman LLP. They can be contacted via email

The Authority has adopted a Monitoring Officer Protocol.

Independent Persons

Under the Localism Act 2011, the Authority is required to appoint one or more Independent Persons to assist the Authority in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct among its Members.

An Independent Person must be consulted on a decision to investigate a complaint and before a decision is made on a complaint. An Independent Person may be consulted on other Code of Conduct issues, including by the Member who is the subject of the complaint.

Two Independent Persons have been appointed: Christine Lee and Amanda Orchard.

The term for the current Independent Persons ends in July 2024. The Broads Authority is therefore seeking to appoint two Independent Persons, as required by the Localism Act 2011, to help promote and maintain high ethical standards among its Members and Co-opted Members.