
It is important to be aware that the Acle Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ in 2015 and is part of the Development Plan and the policies it contains may be of relevance to proposals for this area of Acle.

Policy POACL1: Acle Cemetery extension

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  1. Land to the rear of the existing cemetery is allocated as an extension to the cemetery. This development will be:
    1. Subject to a prior archaeological assessment;
    2. Subject to a prior groundwater protection risk assessment in accordance with Environment Agency Guidance: Assessing Groundwater Pollution for Cemetery Developments[158] (or successor document or advice);
    3. Integrated into the wider surroundings by a landscaping scheme, including boundary hedge and tree planting; and
    4. Coordinated with any adjacent proposed playing field extension in terms of design and boundary treatment.
  2. A management plan that addresses how the site will be managed to benefit biodiversity is required as part of any application.
  3. Proposals will also be designed to avoid contributions to light pollution.
  4. There may be a requirement to assess the area for peat as there is peat known in the vicinity.

Constraints and features

  • Archaeological interest in vicinity (contains and adjacent to cropmarks of enclosures and field systems).
  • Outside identified high flood risk areas (zone 1 by Environment Agency mapping and SFRA 2017).
  • As a minimum, a basic Tier 1 risk screening assessment is required for all cemetery extensions (as set out in guidance on the Environment Agency website).
  • Peat nearby.

Reasoned Justification

The existing cemetery at Acle is close to capacity. Acle Parish Council has, over a period of time, actively sought a site to accommodate further burials. Following a search of potential locations around the village, this was its preferred site and is understood to have widespread local support. The location adjacent to the existing cemetery makes practical sense, and the use can be satisfactorily accommodated here, subject to the considerations outlined in the policy. The Parish Council has yet to secure ownership of the site.Planning permission has been granted for another site in the village, however the Parish Council have requested that this site continue to be allocated for Cemetery use in this Local Plan.

The area concerned is around 0.8ha (2 acres), gently sloping and currently part of an arable field adjacent to the existing cemetery and bounded on one side by a narrow track/public footpath. The Parish Council’s intention is that the immediately adjacent piece of land to the east would be used as an extension to the existing recreation centre playing fields, and this is supported by a complementary policy. Together they would form a reasonable extension to the existing urbanised extent of Acle, forming a new boundary line linking the extremity of the existing playing fields to the east with the approximate limit of housing development to the west.

The site lies wholly in Flood Zone 1 by both Environment Agency (EA) mapping and the Broads Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA 2017) mapping and there are no flood risk issues constraining the development. However, the EA wishes to ensure that any risk of pollution to groundwater is adequately assessed before any planning permission is granted, and the policy reflects this. The EA is content with the allocation for the proposed use based on the results of preliminary investigations by the Parish Council.

The area is of archaeological interest and this development should be subject to prior assessment of the archaeological value, and arrangements for archaeological recording in the event the development proceeds. A requirement for suitable boundary treatment and planting would help integrate the development into the wider Broads landscape.

A management plan will be needed, setting out steps to manage the site so it can benefit biodiversity in the area, in recognition of its location at the edge of an urban area and a protected landscape. The extension to the cemetery also needs to be designed to avoid light pollution.

Reasonable alternative options

No policy

Original policy with no amendments.

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Amended policy: 5 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 5 ?

C: Original policy: 5 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

An alternative option is to not have a policy. By having a policy, it brings the important considerations into a policy.

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Policy POACL2: Acle Playing Field extension.

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  1. Land is allocated for an extension to the playing fields at Acle Recreation Centre. This development will be:
    1. Subject to a prior archaeological assessment;
    2. Integrated into the wider surroundings by a landscaping scheme including boundary hedge and tree planting; and
    3. Coordinated with any adjacent proposed cemetery extension and neighbouring/nearby land uses in terms of design and boundary treatment.
  2. Any floodlighting shall be designed to minimise light spillage into the wider Broads landscape and avoid adverse effects on neighbouring residents’ amenity.
  3. Any proposals that result in excavation of soil will need to consider the peat policy () as part of the site is peat.

Constraints and features

  • Outside identified high flood risk areas (zone 1 by EA mapping and Broads SFRA 2017).
  • Archaeological interest in vicinity (contains and adjacent to cropmarks of enclosures and field systems).
  • Partially on safeguarded minerals (sand and gravel) resource.
  • Part of extension is on peat.

Reasoned Justification

The area concerned is a piece of gently sloping land, currently part of an arable field adjacent to the existing playing fields. It is immediately adjacent to the land subject of Policy POACL1 for a cemetery extension. Together they would form a reasonable extension to the existing urbanised extent of Acle, forming a new boundary line linking the extremity of the existing playing fields to the east with the approximate limit of housing development to the west.

The Recreation Centre is a well-used local resource. The Trust that runs it has identified a need for additional playing field capacity. Extending the existing playing fields makes practical sense and meets a social need in a location well related to the village and built surroundings. The proposed extension is around 0.44ha (1 acre), and would increase the existing playing fields area, which is largely outside the Broads area, by about 10% (they are currently around 4ha or 10 acres). The location also enables coordination and landscaping with the proposed cemetery extension adjacent. The scheme has the active support of Acle Parish Council. It is also supported in principle by Sport England and Broadland District Council.

The playing fields extension could be satisfactorily integrated into the Broads landscape in this location, and integrated with the proposed cemetery extension adjacent, by means of a landscaping scheme including boundary planting, and the policy provides for this.

The site is partly on a safeguarded mineral (sand and gravel) resource, but Norfolk County Council has no objection to the sports field use, provided that no permanent buildings are erected on the site. The potential need for additional ancillary facilities such as car parking and changing rooms has been considered by the Trust. It plans to provide these within its existing area and does not plan to erect buildings on the area, subject to this policy.

Please note that this allocation received planning permission in 2014 and again in 2017. The policy is carried forward from the Local Plan for the Broads as the permission is yet to be built out and there is still an infrastructure deficit.

Reasonable alternative options

No policy

Please note that the amendments are factual – the Cemetery land is not to be allocated in this Local Plan.

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Keep original policy: 3 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 3 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

An alternative option is to not have a policy. By having a policy, it brings the important considerations into a policy.