Site-Specific policies

36.1 Introduction

The Site Specific policies section of the Local Plan allocates land for certain uses. The policies may refer to change of use or may seek to protect certain assets from inappropriate change.

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36.2 Flood risk and the Site Specific policies

The underlying principle of development and flood risk is summarised in the 2023 NPPF (165): ‘Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk (whether existing or future). Where development is necessary in such areas, the development should be made safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere’. A sequential test is being finalised at the time of writing . Where development is required to undertake an Exceptions Test as guided by the NPPG, there is further guidance available in the flood risk policy (policy PODM7).

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2017) provides best available data to help inform flood risk considerations of the site specific policies. Each policy, in its constraints and features section, reflects the flood risks the SFRA indicates are experienced by these sites. Indeed, the policies maps that accompany the Local Plan display the SFRA flood risk data for the sites.

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36.3 Environment Agency permit or rules for works near to a main river or flood defence

Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, an environmental permit may be required for works in, under, over or within 8m of a main river or flood defence, or within 16m of a tidal main river or flood defence. ‘Flood Risk Activities’ may require the Environment Agency to issue a bespoke permit or may be covered by a standard rules permit that includes a set of fixed rules. Activities identified as lower risk may be excluded from the need for a permit or may need to be registered as an exempt activity and comply with certain rules. Anyone carrying out these activites without a permit where one is required is breaking the law.

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36.4 Settlement fringe

Some policies, such as the cemetery and playing field extensions in Acle, could be seen to be contrary to the Settlement Fringe policy PODM25. However, these are important infrastructure requirements that the Local Plan seeks to address. While a cemetery may urbanise compared to, for example, a field in agricultural use, landscaping and design are important considerations throughout the Local Plan.