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- ENV1: To reduce the adverse effects of traffic (on roads and water).
- ENV2: To safeguard a sustainable supply of water, to protect and improve water quality and to use water efficiently.
- ENV3: To protect and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity.
- ENV4: To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and towns/villages.
- ENV5: To adapt, become resilient and mitigate against the impacts of climate change
- ENV6: To avoid, reduce and manage flood risk and to become more resilient to flood risk and coastal change.
- ENV7: To manage resources sustainably through the effective use of land, energy and materials.
- ENV8: To minimise the production and impacts of waste through reducing what is wasted, and re-using and recycling what is left.
- ENV9: To conserve and enhance the cultural heritage, historic environment, heritage assets and their settings
- ENV10: To achieve the highest quality of design that is innovative, imaginable, and sustainable and reflects local distinctiveness.
- ENV11: To improve air quality and minimise noise, vibration and light pollution.
- ENV12: To increase the proportion of energy generated through renewable/low carbon processes without unacceptable adverse impacts to/on the Broads landscape
- SOC1: To improve the health and wellbeing of the population and promote a healthy lifestyle.
- SOC2: To reduce poverty, inequality and social exclusion.
- SOC3: To improve education and skills including those related to local traditional industries.
- SOC4: To enable suitable stock of housing meeting local needs including affordability.
- SOC5: To maximise opportunities for new/ additional employment
- SOC6: To improve the quality, range and accessibility of community services and facilities and to ensure new development is sustainability located with good access by means other than a private car to a range of community services and facilities.
- SOC7: To build community identity, improve social welfare and reduce crime and anti-social activity.
- ECO1: To support a flourishing and sustainable economy and improve economic performance in rural areas.
- ECO2: To ensure the economy actively contributes to social and environmental well-being.
- ECO3: To offer opportunities for Tourism and recreation in a way that helps the economy, society and the environment.
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